The naked truth about nude pics

One has to have balls the size of Jupiter’s moons to willingly take naked photo’s of oneself.  I suppose if your balls were really the size of Jupiter’s moons then someone else, i.e Ripley’s would have paid you for the referent pictures. Even though the moon and ball analogy might not work on the ladies, the bottom line remains that it requires a shitload of confidence, like the combined arrogance of the whole cast of Jersey shore AND the Kardashian sisters, to capture a photograph of your smiling face in the nude.

Let’s take a step back.

I am a guy, thus made up of 10% stubbornness and 90% logic and reason.  The Wife might disagree with the ratio, but the fundamental fact remains that everything life throws at men, we try and rationalise.  We’re constantly trying to figure out, make some sense of human behaviour.  Needless to say, we’ve given up on woman, as our efforts are futile due to the presence of a little oddity called “emotion.”

This post is not trying to list the benefits of logic vs emotion, as there are to many, I am merely trying to understand what would posses lovely woman like the ama-zing! Jennifer Lawrence to take naked pics of themselves?  Continue reading

Naked and Afraid

I’ve posted on nudity before. No, there’s nothing wrong with me.  My wife have me checked twice a month.

It was a post on how certain human activities are just not suppose to be executed without clothes on.  Things like jogging or getting a haircut.  (If you want to leave the awesomeness of THIS post and plunge right in to THAT post, you can start by clicking THIS link, here.  But you need to be naked in order to do so.  It’s a new updated version of WordPress.)

The point of THIS post would be to add one more item to THAT list of five.  And that one activity would be: The Act of Survival. Continue reading