I had a face-lift

Middle-aged men are notorious for changing things in order to feel young again.  Like coloring their hair, buying a fancy car and dumping their wives.  I haven’t done, nor am I planning to do, any of the above. I like my grey hair, I don’t earn enough money for a fancy car and after all these years, do you really think I’m crazy enough to house-train another female?

Besides I’m almost forty-two, it’s too late now.

I did however went for a face-lift.  Well, not me personally, just my blog, which is kind of a big deal.  It’s been the most difficult thing I had to do this year. You see, I got a little bored with the same layout after three years.  So I’ve been contemplating this extremely drastic step for a VERY long time.

Like all face-lifts some people might not like the final result, even though it took me nine years to decide on a new design.  Those people who don’t like change.  Some of you didn’t mind the sagging skin and the ginormous bags under the eyes and the million wrinkles spreading like wild-fire across my face.

Then there are others who would reckon it’s a major improvement and change is as good as a holiday.  Those of you who are so impressed with the new look that you might even want my number.

So here’s the thing.  It’s easy to undo the procedure with the click of a few buttons.  The question  is: Should I? or Shouldn’t I?

Do you like the new lay-out?  Or are you thinking WTF did he do now?

I’m keen and semi-desperate for any feedback…PLEEEEEASE!

You know how insecure I am…

28 thoughts on “I had a face-lift

    • You are the only person who spotted the theme…wow. I’m impressed, but I’ve been impressed for a while…and why are you commenting about the colour? Because that should have nothing to do with manliness…


  1. This is indeed proof that a leopard can change its spots – and for the better. To highlight just how good the new one is, I can’t remember what the old one looked like. I like the brown/tan colour – it’s not at all girlish. It’s creative in a masculine non-flimsy-flamsy sort of way.


    • I read the comment abut not at all girlish but I also now Bruce…you know the story about the little boy who cried Wolf…

      Glad you liked it, irrespective whether you think it’s manly or not…

      Liked by 1 person

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